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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Man's Best Friend

Everyone turned to the screeching sound of the tyres as the driver stepped hard on the brakes, and swerved the car skidding into the middle of the road.  Many held their breaths, and for a moment, forgot all about breathing. If the heart was voluntarily controlled, they would have pause their hearts’ beat too! Their jaws dropped as the mouth widened, and though there wasn’t much light, one could see wrinkles on their forehead as the brows were raised, and the eyes opened wide. Instead of closing their mouth again, some placed their hands over their mouth to contained the wave of screams that was about to be discharged. One particular lady had to let go her shopping plastic just to get the other hand to cover her eyes, so that she will not see the car crashing into the poor lad scurrying across the road. Yet, her ears failed to hear the thump of the crash, or the cry of the lad! By inches, the car missed the young boy.
   When she finally allowed her eyes to see again, she noticed a wobbly kid on the sidewalk. He stood in shock and fast breathing as he looked back at the road. Now was his turn to hold his breath and open his eyes wide. His mouth, however, was narrowed so that he can form one single word.
   “No!” he cried, as he watched the tyres rolled over his beloved pup that has been following him from behind! A second ago, he would have been the one being rolled over. Now, in his place, was his little pup, sprawled on the sealed road. Its white fur was stained with its own blood. Its tongue was hanging out its mouth, and its intestines were scattered all around it. It wasn’t breathing, nor was his heart beating.
   Apparently, it was the driver’s choice of a man’s life over an animal’s. Had he steered to the left, the poor boy would be the casualty sprawled on the road. In the split of a second, He decided to manoeuvre instead, to the right, to spare the life of the lad, but end the life of his best friend.

Numerous stories have being told, songs being sung and movies been filmed, all featuring dogs to show that dog’s are truly man’s best friend. Bobby the dog waited to his death at the train station for his master who never returned. White Fang dug his master out of the mine tunnel, exposing lots of gold in the process. Lassie the dog barked to scare the ‘tevel man’ away. One poor dog was killed by his master because it intentionally spilled his last, and only glass of wine, but later found out that the wine contained lethal poison. One dog hid his masters purse and passport, causing him to miss out on a plane that later crashed. No one survived that plane crash.
   It is amazing how dogs behave to save man, or act in the best interest of their masters. Come to think of it, one could see a supernatural power behind their behaviours, which qualify them as man’s best friends. It is fascinating how God uses dogs to relay certain messages to humans, their best friend!
   Nevertheless, only a few humans, if not, none ever refer to their best human friends as dogs, let alone compare them with dogs. ‘You are like a dog.’ When such is said, it is usually carries a negative connotation. It might mean that you are greedy, an understanding which stemmed from the practice of dogs staring at you while you eat, especially meat. Or it may mean that one is too explicit and promiscuous in sexual matters, like dogs mating in the public, and with multiple mates. A dog is said to be man’s best friend, yet, not much is said about a friend being like a dog!
   Yet, dogs have many inspiring traits that are worth learning, and even better, adopting. They lay down their lives for you out of love, because greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. They still chase burglars on the night you poured hot water on them, because of their unwavering and steadfast loyalty to you. They welcome you at the gate, and play with and try to cheer you up after a hard day of stressful work, because being cheerful works like a medicine. They display affection when they lick your legs and hands while your spouse kisses you on the cheeks and lips, to remind that you are liked. When friends forsake and enemies attack, they stand beside or in front, but never behind you. They are true companions of faithfulness, and champions of courage. They take their lowly place during mealtime, and are content with whatever you feed them. And if you haven’t noticed, they even weep with you when you weep, and rejoice when you rejoice! They have sympathy, and if you like, empathy.
   What inspiring example of moral personalities for intelligent humans to learn from! An unread page in nature’s great book to reveal the Designers traits! Unsung notes on nature’s great hymnal about the Creator! Undiscovered room of treasures in nature’s storehouse for characters! Wrapped gift of traits in nature’s gift shop! The ultimate purpose, as it should be with humans, is to reveal the Love of God!

Man’s best friend is also a storehouse of traits to be desired!
But there is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
By and of His traits, many are inspired!
He is the One who was in the beginning with the Father.

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!
Sweeter than honey, more to be desired is He, than gold.
He loves and cherishes, and washes us with His blood.
Whoever wishes, He invites with outstretched arms into His fold.

So come unto Him, all who are weary and heavy laden
And He will give you adequate rest.
Take His yoke upon you, and cast upon Him your burden
For He cares for you, and wants you to be, and have the best!

Our best friend can be our dog, but our best and closest is our God! Oh, what a Friend we have in Jesus!

By DeKiafuli

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